Upcoming Events!
Sunday, December 25, 2011
DragonflySoars 20111225, A Very Sister Christmas
Shownotes to be posted later but for now, we're enjoying the rest of Christmas Day!
Monday, December 12, 2011
DragonflySoars 20111212, Short and Different
I apologize up front for the quality, there were some technical issues
Remember, you have until December 27th to get hats to Amanda (if you want to send them through me, please get them to me by the 23rd). Please see this thread on the Ravelry Board for more information. There is a wonderful surprise prize pack. One entry per hat!
As an incentive, know that there are items in the prize pack from:
- Piddleloop bags
- KnittingsMyBag
- RainloverKnits
- BeaGin Designs
- Vesper yarns
- And other items that I've found!!
Works in Progress:
- Multnomah Shawl Not sure how much done this week but there are 5 feather and fan repeats done
- Philosopher's Wool Sweater Colour Your Own first main motif is done
No work done on Saltwater Taffy Socks even though I saw J. Edgar movie
Sunday, December 4, 2011
DragonflySoars 20111204, Alive and Well-ish
Remember, you have until December 27th to get hats to Amanda (if you want to send them through me, please get them to me by the 23rd). Please see this thread on the Ravelry Board for more information. There is a wonderful surprise prize pack. One entry per hat!
As an incentive, know that there are items in the prize pack from:
- Piddleloop bags
- KnittingsMyBag
- RainloverKnits
- BeaGin Designs
- Vesper yarns
- And other items that I've found!!
Finished a secret swap project to be shown in the future
Works in Progress:
- Multnomah Shawl 1.5 rows done. (yeah, I know)
- Saltwater Taffy Socks knit in Ewe Shimmer from Three Ewes Twisted in Fiber (artfire link)
- Philosopher's Wool Sweater Colour Your Own second sleeve done! Ribbing on the body is done
Stash Enhancement
- Interweave Knits Winter 2011
- WalkingWisti yarn in JayWalker base (80/10/10 merino, cashmere and nylon), Japanese Maple colorway
- Immortals 3D
- Hugo 3D based on the book "The Invention of Hugo Cabret" by Brian Selznik
Today's Tip:
Britex Button Sizing Chart
Sunday, November 20, 2011
DragonflySoars 20111120, Pre-Thanksgiving
Finished Hat for Soldier #2 (link includes my instructions) Mine is knit from Cascade 220 Superwash.
Remember, you have until December 27th to get hats to Amanda (if you want to send them through me, please get them to me by the 23rd). Please see this thread on the Ravelry Board for more information. There is a wonderful surprise prize pack. One entry per hat!
Finished the Neapolitan Socks out of Vesper Yarn from Knitterly Things (see below for tutorial on the afterthought heel)
Works in Progress:
- Multnomah Shawl garter stitch section is done, three feather and fan repeats done (expect 12 total)
- Saltwater Taffy Socks knit in Ewe Shimmer from Three Ewes Twisted in Fiber (artfire link)
- Philosopher's Wool Sweater Colour Your Own just one motif done on the second sleeve
Yarn from The Unique Sheep that I won in the Halloween Contest. Pashmi base in Boo colorway from the Holiday selection
Other Mentions:
- Mommy Needs Yarn holiday swap
- BloomingKnitter Ravelry post about knitting short row heel from opposite end of the yarn
- Namaste Hip Holster This post is about the original design by Franklin Habit
See new doll from Mom!! Designed from Paradise Doll pattern, 1904 St. Louis World's Fair
DragonflySoars 20111120, Special Tutorial Afterthought Heel
This is a tutorial on how to cut open a true afterthought heel without waste yarn. It does not tell how to knit the heel after it's opened but there are many other videos for that. One in particular is from The KnitGirllls (about 11 minutes in, Leslie is at the same point with her sock as I end here)
Monday, November 14, 2011
DragonflySoars 20111113, Sister Act II The Vegas Experience
Important! The Hats for Soldiers KAL (and Surprise Prize contest) is extended to December 27th! See Ravelry for more details
Flower-cloche hat
Chemical fire socks (Hot Stuff! socks)
Sweet Tarts (Pimpelliese)
Via the Vampire monster (Bea the Basement Monster)
Irene the Icebox Monster (Irving the Icebox Monster)
Botanic hats
Easy Peasy mitts by Jennifer Casa
Brambles & Stones hat
scardey cat cosmetics-the eyeshadow
Twice if you like it by LaLa
Ethereal Fibers yarn
Tempted Yarns (spoiler)
Vicki's Neapolitan socks
Multnomah shawl
Las Vegas Fremont Experience
Sunday, November 6, 2011
DragonflySoars 20111106, Wonderful Ramblings
Hat for Soldier. (link includes my instructions) Mine is knit from Cascade 220. This is part of a hat drive a friend is doing. Amanda needs the hats by the 18th so you will need to mail them before that. Due to the short notice I'm offering a contest to encourage hat sending! Please see this thread on the Ravelry Board for more information
Works in Progress
- Neapolitan tubes are done and one afterthought heel is prepped for knitting
- Multnomah will be worked on when I visit Tif next weekend!
- Saltwater Taffy Socks knit in Ewe Shimmer from Three Ewes Twisted in Fiber (artfire link)
- Philosopher's Wool Sweater Colour Your Own three motifs done on the second sleeve
Podcast mentions
- Willowfairy Knits - check out her wedding show episode (episode 6) and her finished shawl from DragonflySoars prize winning is in episode 5.
- Clare from StudentKnits - see her podcast and her Ravelry group
Other Mentions
- The Unique Sheep (I won yarn!)
- Weight Watchers
- KnittingsMyBag (watch to see why!)
Sunday, October 30, 2011
DragonflySoars 20111030, Lot of Progress, Light on News
Works in Progress
- Neapolitan 8 stripes done this week, currently at 24 of 31 stockinette
- Philosopher's Wool Sweater Colour Your Own One sleeve done! Cuff and 4 motifs done on the second
Review of iPhone app Knit Evenly Calculator
Other Mentions
- Alias (tv.com link, currently watching on DVD while knitting)
- Once Upon a Time on ABC
- Grimm on NBC
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
DragonflySoars 20111025, Late But With Progress
Works in Progress
- Neapolitan 6 stripes done this week, currently at 16 of 31 stockinette
- Philosopher's Wool Sweater Colour Your Own One motif away from a finished sleeve
Discussion of:
- Yarn Harlot All Wound Up Not a lot of discussion, I haven't read it all, I'm savoring
- Knitting Traditions magazine from Interweave
- Crochet Traditions magazine from Interweave
- 200 Fair Isle Motifs by Mary Jane Mucklestone
- Three Musketeers movie
- InspiredCases etsy shop (wonderful customer service)
- GoodReader applications for iPad or iPhone
Sunday, October 16, 2011
DragonflySoars 20111016, Episode with No Name
Plurk Podcaster Challenge Goodie Bag revealed
- Mini-spindle by Spinerosity
- Sample fiber from Bartlett Yarns of Harmony, Maine
- Pocket mirror, stitch marker and sample Miss Babs Yummy Toes yarn from Lois (KnittingsMyBag)
- Coupon codes from Ethereal Fibers and Wolfe Farms
- Bvlgari perfume lotion from unknown donator
- All in a bag from Whimsy Bags
- 55 Christmas Balls to Knit by Arne & Carlos bought at Sow's Ear yarn shop in Verona, WI
- Janel Laidman Illumination Sock Club package (patterns Deco and Optique)
Other things
- iOS 5 for iPod, iPhone and iPad, including iCloud
- Upcoming Snuggles Project to be sponsored by Yarnivore Podcast
- New Podcast WillowFairyKnits
Sunday, October 9, 2011
DragonflySoars 20111009, Many Colours
Plurk Podcaster Challenge
- A thank you from Amy Berman of The Mother Bear Project
- Voting is in, Challenge winners are here
- Neapolitan (no new progress)
- Multnomah (Gauge is off)
Started my sweater for our ColorWork Sweater KAL (October 1 - February 29)
Other things
- Another Crafty Girl, a skein of Squishy Aran
- Wollmeise from Dramatic Knits
Saturday, October 1, 2011
DragonflySoars 20111001, Winners!
Plurk Podcaster Challenge
- Vote!!
- Future for prizes, watch to see winners!
Finished Birthday Chopsticks!
Works in Progress
Upcoming KAL for any color work sweater of your choice, October 1 - February 29
- My Sweater will be Philosher's Wool Sweater Colour Your Own
- Rules on the Ravelry Board
Other things
Stitch markers from Hide & Sheep
iPhone cover OtterBox Commuter Series
iPad cover from Inspired Cases etsy
Rainlover love
- Rainlover earrings
- Rainlover fundraising for friends
- Rainlover pattern for breast cancer, Ribbons for Mom, $5, cuff down and toe up
I won Wollmeise from Dramatic Knits!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
DragonflySoars 20110925, With Tigger Helper
Plurk Podcast Challenge
- Mother Bear project
- Palindrome Scarf
- Post finished scarf on Ravelry thread
- Mine is done!!
- Prizes
- For knitter of the most bears (and mom) - Mother bear ornaments
- For random bear drawing - Choice of Knit Picks Sheldon Turtle kit (with outfits by Brooke T Higgins) or Blue Moon Funky Sock Monkey kit
- For random scarf drawing - Choice of Wollemeise Twin, turquoise or purple
- Other Details
- Podcasters are done, we had to be done by Sept 22nd
- Viewers can post until midnight Sept 27
- Viewer Voting will take place Sept 28 - October 2, see details here
- Purchases
- Piddleloop Bags
Anything that didn't sell (including Nat's little paintings) will be up in the shop soon so watch!! - Sheila's toes sock yarn I got a Magic Ball and a Bootie Trio
- Claymates Pottery, I got a mug and necklace
- Another Crafty Girl, I got a skein of Strong Sock
- Colorbug Yarns, I got a skein for Sis's boyfriend
- Visited with
- Erin from Mommy Needs Yarn podcast
- Aubrey (and Maggie) from This Knits in the Bag podcast
- Jen aka Piddleloop plus friends & family
- Jaala from KnitCircus
- Ponkie aka AnotherCraftyGirl and friend Fezabel
Current Projects
- Knitterly Things Vesper Vanilla/Neapolitan socks, second one started
- Chopsticks socks second one nearing completion
Future Projects
- Philosopher's Wool Colour Your Own Sweater
- Multonomah Shawl (for the Magic Ball from Sophie's Toes)
Random Mentions
- Twist Collective
- Addi Needles
- Hexipuff Blanket (technically called Beekeeper's Quilt)
Reminder: Please consider donating money to help Sarah/Rainlover's friends. Details on Ravelry here or here
Music from Custom Serenade
Sunday, September 18, 2011
DragonflySoars 20110918, Challenge Met!
Plurk Podcast Challenge
- Mother Bear project
- Palindrome Scarf
- Post finished scarf on Ravelry thread
- Mine is done!!
- Modifications
- First 12 cables spaced every 4 rows instead of 6.
- Next 3 cables spaced at 6 rows
- 10" of 2x2 rib
- 10" of cables at 6 row spacing
- 9" of 2x2rib
- Giant button hole inserted
- 1" of 2x2 rib
- 3 cables of 6 row spacing
- 12 cables of 4 row spacing
- Prizes
- For knitter of the most bears (and mom) - Mother bear ornaments
- For random bear drawing - Choice of Knit Picks Sheldon Turtle kit (with outfits by Brooke T Higgins) or Blue Moon Funky Sock Monkey kit
- For random scarf drawing - Choice of Wollemeise Twin, turquoise or purple
- Other Details
- Podcasters must finish and podcast by Sept 22nd
- Viewers can post until midnight Sept 27
- Viewer Voting will take place Sept 28 - October 2, see details here
- Post your ideas for what you like and don't like about podcasts on this Ravelry thread
- Knitterly Things Vesper Vanilla/Neapolitan socks, first sock is bound off, needs heel
- Chopsticks socks (mentioned, not shown)
YarnCon, September 24 (the following vendors will be there)
- Piddleloop Bags
- Sheila's toes sock yarn
- Knitterly Things (Vesper striping sock yarns)
Music from Custom Serenade
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
DragonflySoars 20110913, A Difference in Gauge
Plurk Podcast Challenge
- Mother Bear project
- Palindrome Scarf
- Post finished scarf on Ravelry thread
- Tina of Knitting Blooms tutorial on cabling without a cable needle
- Prizes
- For knitter of the most bears (and mom) - Mother bear ornaments
- For random bear drawing - Choice of Knit Picks Sheldon Turtle kit (with outfits by Brooke T Higgins) or Blue Moon Funky Sock Monkey kit
- For random scarf drawing - Choice of Wollemeise Twin, turquoise or purple
- Other Details
- Podcasters must finish and podcast by Sept 22nd
- Viewers can post until midnight Sept 27
- Viewer Voting will take place Sept 28 - October 2, see details here
- Post your ideas for what you like and don't like about podcasts on this Ravelry thread
- Moderne baby blanket FINISHED!!
- Knitterly Things Vesper Vanilla/Neapolitan socks, first sock is almost to the ribbing
- Bombadil Tam - completed ages ago but shows cables
YarnCon, September 24 (the following vendors will be there)
- Piddleloop Bags
- Sheila's toes sock yarn
- Knitterly Things (Vesper striping sock yarns)
Music from Custom Serenade
Monday, September 12, 2011
DragonflySoars 20110912, Mother Bear In the Round tutorial
This is a step-by-step picture tutorial for how I knit the Mother Bear pattern in the round using toe-up sock techniques. Techniques used are magic loop, Judy's Magic Cast-On, two-at-a-time sock knitting and kitchener stitch. While the video does not go into the details of these techniques, helpful links can be found below or on the side bar.
Note: This version does not match the in the round pattern found on Ravelry, but it's how I knit.
- KnitGirlls tutorial for Judy's Magic Cast-on
- Original Knitty article for Judy's Magic Cast-on
- A version of two at a time toe-up socks using magic loop and Judy's cast-on
- How to Weave in Ends as You Knit
- Kitchener stitch video tutorial
- Knitty article on Kitchener stitch
As a side note, my laptop is having a lot of issues so getting the tutorial up was a challenge. I am hoping to podcast in a day or so, I'm sorry I'm late, especially during the challenge!
Please post your finished bears in the thread on our Ravelry board. If you don't have a Ravelry account, email me your pics. There are some wonderful bears over there, many of them from my mom *grin*

Tuesday, September 6, 2011
DragonflySoars 20110906, special tutorial for Mother Bear Project
This is a tutorial explaining the steps of the mother bear pattern exactly as they are defined in the original pattern available from Mother Bear Project. It does not give pattern details so please order your pattern from http://www.motherbearproject.org
Please note, the beginning and end are a little quiet when I'm speaking to the iphone camera but the steps are ok.
Friday, September 2, 2011
DragonflySoars 20110902, Plurk Podcast Challenge (aka The MojaveKnitter Show)
Welcome Sister!!
Plurk Podcast Challenge
Presents for Apryl and Tif
Purl in the Pines yarn shop in Flagstaff, AZ
Vicki's only project, Moderne baby blanket Body is finished, ends are woven in, half way through iCord edge
Tif projects
Tif Yarn
Plurk Podcast Challenge
- Mother Bear project
- Post finished bears on Ravelry thread
- Helpful youtube link for joining arms to knit toys (not specific to Mother Bear)
- Palindrome Scarf
- Post finished scarf on Ravelry thread
- Vicki - Miss Bab's Whatta Skein
- Tif - Farmhouse Yarns Winnefred's Washable, "Black Cherry"
Presents for Apryl and Tif
- Erin Lane bags
- Tif - Fiber Optic Foot Notes, "Jelly Jelly"
- Apryl - Malabrigo Rios, "Zarzamora"
Purl in the Pines yarn shop in Flagstaff, AZ
Vicki's only project, Moderne baby blanket Body is finished, ends are woven in, half way through iCord edge
Tif projects
- Works In Progress
- Beaded Lace Scarf
- Striped Autumn Sky plain sock with afterthought heel knit with Knitterly Things Vesper striping sock yarn
- West Knits Earth & Sky shawl
- Finished Objects
Tif Yarn
- Ethereal Fibers Nebula Sock, "exhale"
- Malabrigo Rasta, "Arco Iris"
- Tempted Hand Painted Sly Grrl Sock, special "Jew-L du Desert" for Burlesque club
- Malabrigo Sock, "Archangel"
- Farmhouse Yarns Fannie's Fingering Weight, "Black Cherry"
- Special one-of-a-kind dyed yarns from friends sewenticing (plurk) and Need2Ride2Live (Ravelry)
- Wisconsin Sheep and Wool, September 9 - 11
- YarnCon, September 24 (the following vendors will be there)
- Piddleloop Bags
- Sheila's toes sock yarn
- Knitterly Things (Vesper striping sock yarns)
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Dragonflysoars 20110828, Stitches Midwest
Plurk Podcaster Challenge is coming!!
- There will be three prizes
- Most bears completed
- Random drawing for Bear KAL
- Random drawing for main pattern KAL
- Prepare for Mother Bear Project by ordering your pattern!
- Prepare for the main pattern KAL by getting 350-400yds of worsted weight yarn. Highly variegated not recommended, but pretty much anything else will work. Easy pattern, anyone is capable of completing this one!
- Moderne baby blanket, working on 10A & 10B
- 3-2-1 Roundabout fingerless gloves started at Unique Sheep retreat
- Future plans to do Dragonfly Dreams shawl
- Wisconsin Sheep and Wool, September 9 - 11
- YarnCon, September 24 (the following vendors will be there)
- Piddleloop Bags
- Sheila's toes sock yarn
- Knitterly Things (vesper striping sock yarns)
Monday, August 22, 2011
DragonflySoars 20110822, Unique Retreat
- Moderne baby blanket, finished 9A & 9B (shorter than original pattern)
- Chopstick Socks made from Ethereal Fibers yarn, sock one complete!
- Finished Item! I finally share one of the secret projects. A scarf made for Tamsie, design based on Stripes (and Stripes) Forever from Stitch N Bitch Happy Hooker book
Upcoming Events
- Stitches Midwest, august 25-28 With a Podcaster Meet & Greet Saturday the 27th, 1-3pm in the concession area! (see more details at Ravelry here)
- Plurk Podcaster Challenge!!
- Prepare for Mother Bear Project by ordering your pattern!
- Prepare for the main pattern KAL by getting 350-400yds of worsted weight yarn. Highly variegated not recommended, but pretty much anything else will work. Easy pattern, anyone is capable of completing this one!
Unique Sheep Retreat mentions
Other Random Mentions
- SSK - Super Summer Knitaway with the KnitGirllls and Carin of Round the Twist
- Music at the end from Custom Serenade
Sunday, August 14, 2011
DragonflySoars 20110814, Studio Tour
The knitting portion is short because I just recorded a few days ago, but then I include a tour of the room.
- Moderne baby blanket, still working on blocks 9A & 9B
- Chopstick Socks made from Ethereal Fibers yarn
- The Unique Sheep Retreat, august 19-21 Next Weekend!!
- Stitches Midwest, august 25-28 With a Podcaster Meet & Greet Saturday the 27th, 1-3pm in the concession area! (see more details at Ravelry here
Other Random Mentions
- Ikea
- Earring/Necklace Holder from Glasswear Studio Etsy Shop
Mother Bear Project! This is a Bonus Charity Challenge for the Plurk Podcaster Challenge. Please find all the details on Ravelry thread here. If you want to participate and you aren't on Ravelry, please email me photos of your completed bear(s) and I'll get them there. My mom knit one very quickly, they are not difficult and will mean the world to a child.
Music at the end from Custom Serenade
Thursday, August 11, 2011
DragonflySoars 20110811, Lots to Tell You
First, sorry for the delays, a lot going on here.
- Knitterly Things Vesper Vanilla/Neapolitan socks
- Moderne baby blanket, working on blocks 9A & 9B (done at the same time with intarsia technique
- Chopstick Socks made from Ethereal Fibers yarn
- The Unique Sheep Retreat, august 19-21 Next Weekend!!
- Stitches Midwest, august 25-28 With a Podcaster Meet & Greet Saturday the 27th, 1-3pm in the concession area! (see more details at Ravelry here
New Things
- Stone spindle from Wildcard Fiber
- Spindle, distaff and bag from TwoUncoolChicks
- Business card holder from Wood Violet Handmade
- Lotion sample from Wolfe Farms
Mother Bear Project! This is a Bonus Charity Challenge for the Plurk Podcaster Challenge. Please find all the details on Ravelry thread here. If you want to participate and you aren't on Ravelry, please email me photos of your completed bear(s) and I'll get them there.
Other Random Mentions
Music at the end from Custom Serenade (I couldn't stand having almost a minute of silence)
Sunday, July 31, 2011
DragonflySoars 20110731, Preparing for Moves
- Moderne baby blanket, working on block 7
- Drop Spindle spinning using my Highland Handmades spindle on fiber from Maine Woods Yarn
Past Finished Project
Amigurumi animals from Amigurumi World - Seriously Cute Crochet
Updates on Plurk Podcaster Challenge
Remember, you will be entered to win a custom dyed skein of yarn from Ethereal Fibers if you donate to Tif's Climb for Cancer! See Ravelry thread with details here or go directly to the donation page
Sunday, July 24, 2011
DragonflySoars 20110724, Successful Spinning
Upcoming Events
- The Unique Sheep Retreat, august 19-21
- Stitches Midwest, august 25-28 (I hope to be there on Saturday)
Current Projects
- Moderne baby blanket, Finished block 5, working on block 6
- Knitterly Things Vesper Vanilla/Neapolitan socks
- Drop Spindle spinning using my Highland Handmades spindle on fiber from Maine Woods Yarn
Stash Enhancement
Vesper yarn from Knitterly Things, July 2011 shipment, 100% superwash merino in Play Date (looks similar to me to Tartan)
- TurtlePurl Yarns, Superwash Blue Faced Leicester in Sea Side
- TurtlePurl Yarns, 80% superwash merino, 20% cashmere in Acid Wash
- EnchantedKnoll Farms, hand-dyed Lambkin, 4oz, 6.4 count superwash merino lambswool in Wood Elves.
Upcoming Knit-A-Longs (KALs)
- Unknown Mystery Project for Plurk Podcaster Challenge
- Dragonfly Dreams by Meagheen Ryan starts August 15th
- Dream in Color Baby, 100% superwash superfine Australian merino, Flamingo Pie
- Mill Hill beads
- WestKnits Mystery KAL starts August 1st
- Looped Back, 100% superwash merino, Mauve
- Lotus Yarns, "Buddha" base, 80% superwash merino, 20% nylon in Deep Water
- Lotus Yarns, "Buddha" base, 80% superwash merino, 20% nylon in Bloodflowers
If you would like a magnet with your $10 donation, please be sure to send me your mailing address via Paypal note.
Additional Notes
- I bought from TurtlePurl's Artfire store but she also has an Etsy Shop.
- I bought Enchanted Wool and beads from The Loopy Ewe
- Looped Back yarns website is out of commission, it was here (http://www.loopedback.com)
Sunday, July 17, 2011
DragonflySoars 20110717, Full of Ramble
- Secret Projects done!
- Moderne baby blanket, Finished block 4, started block 5
- Drop Spindle spinning using my Highland Handmades spindle on fiber from Maine Woods Yarn
Future Projects
- WestKnits Mystery KAL starts August 1st
- Dragonfly Dreams by Meagheen Ryan starts August 15th
- Unknown Mystery Project for Plurk Podcaster Challenge
- Philosopher's Wool Colour Your Own
Gift from Tif (aka MojaveKnitter on Rav and Plurk)
Remember, you will be entered to win a custom dyed skein of yarn from Ethereal Fibers if you donate to Tif's Climb for Cancer! See Ravelry thread with details here or go directly to the donation page
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Supplement Post about Anubis doll
I said I would link to the story about Anubis from an earlier blog post written two years ago. Here you go....
From Broken Man to God
From Broken Man to God
Sunday, July 10, 2011
20110710 DragonflySoars This and That (Plus Mom's Dolls)
Works in Progress
- Secret Project #1 - 2/3 complete
- Secret Project #2 - Thought was complete but has issues, will be partially ripped out
- Moderne baby blanket, Finished block 3, started block 4
Podcaster Challenge
- Thread on Ravelry has list of podcasts and feel free to chatter!
- Remember if you would like to donate prizes, contact Lois (KnittingsMyBag on Ravelry or Plurk)
- Monday, August 22nd - Podcasters learn their patterns
- September 2nd - 25th - Podcasters will record three episodes for the challenge. Beginning Announcement, Work in Progress and Completion
Contest drawing! Watch to see if you won!!
Special Segment on Mom's Dolls!
Monday, July 4, 2011
20110704 DragonflySoars Happy Birthday to Me!
Pattern presents!!
Madaboutmatisse - Fagus shawl
Roz - Eyjafjallajökull shawl
SwedishRose - Chopstick socks
Tamsie - La Vie de Bois socks (means "that's life in the woods")
Becky - Fiddlehead mittens
Rainlover - Echo Beach wrap
Jenny - Dragonfly Dreams shawl KAL (KAL = Knit-a-long)
DramaticKnits - Juneberry Triangle shawl
Lang Jawoll Magic yarn
Glass art
Alice starmore, Aran knitting (Sweater Quest was the book I couldn't think of)
Linda Kopp, Joy of Sox
Knitterly Things, Vesper in June 2011 colorway "Singing Softly"
Interweave Knits Weekend
Moderne baby blanket
Unique sheep retreat has openings August 19-21
Other mentions
Chiagoo (RED) needles
Wisconsin Craft Market
Sunday, June 26, 2011
DragonflySoars 20110626, Worth the Wait
I believe this one is worth the wait, it has a ton of updates on life plus contest information at the end! Watch for a special secret contest winner!!
Current Works In Progress
Knitterly Things Vesper Vanilla/Neapolitan socks with a true afterthought heel. See Yarn Harlot's blog post on afterthoughts. (it's actually from 2007, but had been mentioned a few months ago)
TWO Secret projects... nope, not telling! (they are gifts)
Moderne Baby Blanket
Events and Aquisitions
Visited Yarn Harbor, yarn shop in Duluth, MN
True Colors club shipment from The Unique Sheep
new base "Selene" superwash merino, in Gradiance colorway called "Poolside". Pattern is called "Everybody into the Pool" by Susan Pandorf
Highland handmades, wonderful customer service!!
Midwest fiber festival
Stitch n Pitch, Milwaukee Brewers edition
The Unique Sheep Retreat, august 19-21
Stitches Midwest, august 25-28 (I said 26-29th, this wasn't right but realized too late)
Plurker Podcast Challenge
Rainlover beginner spin along
LynnZimm is raising money for the Make a Wish foundation. In support of her efforts, Lala of TheKnitGirllls has designed the My Wish Shawl. The shawl is $5 on Ravelry and the proceeds go to the foundation. OR, if you would like to donate more, you can follow the links on Lynn's blog to donate directly. If you donate more than $5 she will email the pattern to you. (Donate more and there's a chance at prizes too!)
Other Random Mentions
Current Works In Progress
Knitterly Things Vesper Vanilla/Neapolitan socks with a true afterthought heel. See Yarn Harlot's blog post on afterthoughts. (it's actually from 2007, but had been mentioned a few months ago)
TWO Secret projects... nope, not telling! (they are gifts)
Moderne Baby Blanket
- The original wonky version (see original story here and the revelation post here). The wonky one was knit in Knit Picks CotLin Yarn (now called CotLin DK)
- The new version is being knit out of Knit Picks Comfy Worsted
Events and Aquisitions
Visited Yarn Harbor, yarn shop in Duluth, MN
- Three Irish Girls, Finley fingering, 100% Merino, Ainsley colorway, 4oz, 380yds
- Joyful Journey Alpacas, from Hayward, WI (link to farm/animal information), Alpaca lace, 500yds from two alpacas Benita & Marina
- Bryspun Embroidery Scissors (like these)
True Colors club shipment from The Unique Sheep
new base "Selene" superwash merino, in Gradiance colorway called "Poolside". Pattern is called "Everybody into the Pool" by Susan Pandorf
Highland handmades, wonderful customer service!!
- top whorl spindle, all oak, 2.25oz
- 4oz pitch pine top fiber for spinning, corriedale cross, in colorway "bushel"
Midwest fiber festival
- Took class with Abby Franquemont, author of Respect the Spindle (she autographed my book!)
- Sheep Incognito prints (take a look at the website, her images are a lot of fun)
Stitch n Pitch, Milwaukee Brewers edition
The Unique Sheep Retreat, august 19-21
Stitches Midwest, august 25-28 (I said 26-29th, this wasn't right but realized too late)
Plurker Podcast Challenge
Rainlover beginner spin along
LynnZimm is raising money for the Make a Wish foundation. In support of her efforts, Lala of TheKnitGirllls has designed the My Wish Shawl. The shawl is $5 on Ravelry and the proceeds go to the foundation. OR, if you would like to donate more, you can follow the links on Lynn's blog to donate directly. If you donate more than $5 she will email the pattern to you. (Donate more and there's a chance at prizes too!)
Other Random Mentions
Sunday, June 19, 2011
DragonflySoars, no podcast this week
Hi all!
I'm back from my trip but worn out so there will be no podcast this week. However next week I will have a ton to talk to you about plus I'll announce a contest!
In the meantime please feel free to join us on the Ravelry board!
Happy Crafting!!
I'm back from my trip but worn out so there will be no podcast this week. However next week I will have a ton to talk to you about plus I'll announce a contest!
In the meantime please feel free to join us on the Ravelry board!
Happy Crafting!!
Sunday, June 12, 2011
DragonflySoars 20110612, WWKIP Day
I mentioned TNNA (The National Needleworks Association)
Gift from Tamsie, my lovely dragonfly clock from Spirit Lala
Keegan Lane Yarns roving and yarn
Finished Item: Dawnsinger socks
Works In Progress: Knitterly Things Vesper Vanilla/Neapolitan socks and a Secret Project
Upcoming Project: Southern Evening Lace Wrap from Aurora Alpacas with new Signature Needles
Ravelry group!! Search for DragonflySoars (all one word), click this link (http://www.ravelry.com/groups/dragonflysoars-podcast) or click on the button on the side bar
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
DragonflySoars 20110606, Blocking Demo
This is a video of me blocking my Wendy Johnson Summer Mystery Shawlette. It was created primarily for a friend of mine but I'm sharing it with everyone. It was my first time trying to do an "action" video so please forgive the technical difficulties with the sound
(Update on 6/8, 8:40am adding links)
Links to products:
- GetRung floor mats
- Knit Picks Blocking Mats Not shown but I have these too. They are 1'x1' mats in a set of 9 that are very good too.
- Lace Blocking Wires from Knit Picks
- T-Pins from Knit Picks warning these are a pain to open the first time, but I like them, I like the case, it doesn't pop open when thrown in a drawer or a bag
- Soak Traveling sample case from Knit Picks you can get Soak in lots of places but if you are placing a Knit Picks order for wires and t-pins, this is a good way to try out several.
Sunday, June 5, 2011
DragonflySoars 20110605, A Quick One
Update 6/8/2011 10:40am - I'm so sorry that this is choppy! I was in a hurry that evening and didn't play it back like I normally do before posting.
A thank you to Knit1hearttoo for the shout-out a few episodes back, I really appreciate it! Give them a watch, they are great fun!!
If you haven't heard, change your Ravelry password.
Works in Progress
Finished Object!
Wendy Johnson mystery shawl Blocking video coming soon, I hope
Yarn Aquisition
Upcoming Project
Southern Evening Lace Wrap from Aurora Alpacas
A thank you to Knit1hearttoo for the shout-out a few episodes back, I really appreciate it! Give them a watch, they are great fun!!
If you haven't heard, change your Ravelry password.
Works in Progress
- Knitterly Things Vesper Vanilla/Neapolitan socks
- Dawnsinger socks
Finished Object!
Wendy Johnson mystery shawl Blocking video coming soon, I hope
Yarn Aquisition
- Vesper Sock yarn May shipment in "To the Moon" from Knitterly Things (as above)
- Fearless Fibers, Merino laceweight in "Wondrous" colorway
Upcoming Project
Southern Evening Lace Wrap from Aurora Alpacas
Monday, May 30, 2011
DragonflySoars 20110530, Memorial Day
I compressed this at a smaller video size than usual, same quality level. It took processing time from 3 hours to one hour so I hope it works ok for all of you.
Went to see Peter Pan in Chicago
In Progress:
Wendy Johnson Summer Mystery Shawlette
Spindle handspun, videos mentioned
Went to see Peter Pan in Chicago
In Progress:
Wendy Johnson Summer Mystery Shawlette
Spindle handspun, videos mentioned
- 90% Knitting, Drop Spindle tutorial
- Art of Megan Spinning Yarns on Drop Spindle (she has others too)
- Respect the Spindle by Abby Franquemont (I own DVD, but this is download link)
- Knit Picks Felici in Botany
- String Theory Continuum from Simply Socks Yarn Company in colors Large Hadron Collider and Trifolium (rainbow)
- Podcaster Challenge by Knittings My Bag
- Stitch n' Pitch Milwaukee Brewers June 21
- Midwest Fiber & Folk Art Fair June 24 - 26 in Grayslake, IL (I will be there Friday for Abby's class)
- Unique Sheep retreat in North Carolina August 19 - 21
- Stitches Midwest in Schaumburg, IL (Chicago area) August 25 - 28 (I have no idea if I will be there)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
DragonflySoars 20110524, With Sound!
Working on
- Wendy Johnson Summer Mystery Shawlette Half way through chart B as of recording time
Things Mentioned:
- Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides
- How to leave reviews (here's a how-to for itunes store)
- Listening to video casts on iPod
- Swift and ball winder (YouTube how-to video from Jimmy Beans Wool)
- IKEA Billy bookcase
- IKEA Hemnes cabinet (I don't know what Meliabella bought, I'm hoping she shares with us on the His & Hers podcast)
Upcoming Events:
- Stitch n' Pitch Milwaukee Brewers June 21
- Midwest Fiber & Folk Art Fair June 24 - 26 in Grayslake, IL (I will be there Friday for Abby's class)
- Unique Sheep retreat in North Carolina August 19 - 21
- Stitches Midwest in Schaumburg, IL (Chicago area) August 25 - 28 (I have no idea if I will be there)
Podcasts mentioned (links on the side bar)
- Twisted Strands
- MommyNeedsYarn
- Knitting Blooms
- His & Hers
- Round the Twist
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Podcast Delay til Tuesday
I'm sorry, I had a technical issue tonight. Tried to record quickly to beat the storm, I did, but I didn't pay attention to the fact that I was using the wrong mic and you can't hear anything I say. I have played with the sound repeatedly and can only get it loud enough to be considered "annoyingly quiet".
I will have to re-record the whole thing on Tuesday (Monday night is knit night)
I will have to re-record the whole thing on Tuesday (Monday night is knit night)
Monday, May 16, 2011
DragonflySoars 20110515, Ack! Tigger, No!
This is a bit of a sporadic episode, so the notes are kind of the same but I think I got all the links to everything I've talked about here
Working on:
- Through the Looking Glass shawl border 38 out of 41 border repeats
- Knitterly Things Vesper Vanilla/Neapolitan socks
Coming up next:
Check out new Knitting Blooms Podcast by BloomingKnitter
Reading Materials:
- Interweave Knit & Spin
- Spinning Daily free e-book (sorry, I said it was in Knitting Daily, I was wrong)
- Fearless Fair Isle by Kathleen Taylor
- Knitter's Book of Finishing Techniques by Nancy Weisman
Other mentions:
- CJ Kopec site is currently under construction
- Highland Handmades
- Twisted Strands Podcast
Monday, May 9, 2011
DragonflySoars 20110508, Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day to my mom and all the other moms out there
Working on:
- Through the Looking Glass shawl border 23 out of 41 border repeats
- Dawnsinger sock
- Knitterly Things Vesper Vanilla socks
Thank you for mentions on the following podcasts (links on the side)
- Addicted to Yarn
- 90% knitting
- Exchange Student in Fiberland
Other random mentions:
- Thor
- Pathpix game
- Dot to Dot books
- Namaste Bags (I have the Hipster and the Monroe)
5/9 2:25pm update.... I forgot I talked about Three Ewes Twisted in Fiber. They have two shops. One is the Etsy shop, the other is a ArtFire store. The two shops frequently have different items, as the Etsy shop is where the themed yarn is (past themes have been Alice in Wonderland, Harry Potter and "love")
Sunday, May 1, 2011
DragonflySoars 20110501, Winner!
DramaticKnits socks!!
He also raised $116 for the relief in Japan through the auction of the completed Japanese Garden Shawl.
Twisted Limone, Blue Flamingo, Tangy 100 base (Blue Faced Leicester)
Through the Looking Glass shawl border 10 out of 41 border repeats
Dawnsinger sock
Vanilla (ok, Neopolitan) socks, Vesper self-striping yarn from Knitterly Things
Other things
Hanna movie
Expectant Knitter podcast
Addicted to Yarn podcast
Lace Reader audio book from Audible.com Written by Brunonia Barry. Narrated by Alyssa Bresnahan. (good book, too many "he said, she said" moments in dialogue)
Contest drawing! Winner is announced, watch to see if it was you.
Winner and others can email at dragonfly7673 AT gmail DOT com
Sunday, April 24, 2011
DragonflySoars 20110424, Help DramaticKnits!
Through the Looking Glass Shawl (Ravelry pattern page)
Contest Reminder and Rules (leave messages on last podcast post)
- Win a Unique Sheep set of Coffee House Reef yarn (Rav yarn page)
- Open to anyone, even international and sisters
- Leave comment by April 30th
DramaticKnits finished the Japanese Garden Shawl and is auctioning it off on eBay to raise money for Red Cross to support the relief efforts in Japan.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Box O' Yarn (and a contest!)
Preemie hat, #5 & #6 (link to Ravelry post with my pics and info about the Sweet Caroline Project)
Pergola scarf (my Rav project page)
Habitat sock, pattern by Janel Laidman
New Stuff
New Illuminations Sock Club shipment, pattern not released yet as not all have received shipments.
Vesper, Neapolitan, Knitterly Things
Fireweed Dyeworks, Magenta Orange, Lavendar, Yellow self striping
Fibernymph Dye Works, Mint Chocolate Chip, Amble Base, self-striping
Box O' Yarn!!
Blue Tulips project bag
Fearless Fibers, Rubicund
Pagewood Farm, sky blue pink
Fireweed Dyeworks, Winter color wheel
Hedgehog Fibres, Koi & Marble
Exonumist Shawl by Wendy Johnson my Ravelry project page
Random Aside: Curtains from Curtainworks
★ ★ CONTEST!! ★ ★
Leave a comment here on the blog or a review on iTunes by April 30th to win Unique Sheep Coffee House Reef club colorway. Matches my Isar Scarf. I will also gift the winner a Ravelry download pattern to go with the yarn, fingering weight ~100g total, ~550 yards. Good Luck!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Why Do I Knit?
Dawnsinger/Habitat Socks has not moved (pattern by Janel Laidman)
Currently focused on Preemie Hats for Sweet Caroline project, working on number 5
- Keegan Lane Yarns Big Footies, Club for All Seasons, Spring, Rainbow Impressions (stitch pattern was from Wendy Knits, Double Eyelet Rib socks)
- Keegan Lane Yarns, same club, Winter - Bluebirds of the Tundra
- Opal
- Vesper
- Girl Gone Loopy (colorway is Kiss the Sky)
New Yarn
Unique Sheep True Colors club, yarn is the Pashmi base, pattern is Tulip Festival shawlette, designed by Susan Pandorf
"Charts Made Simple" by JC Briar
Klutz Knitting book (newer version than mine)
Sinful Colors (awful nail polish in my experience, website down for maintenance at this posting)
Yarn Harlot
Herbert Niebling designer (Ravelry link)
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Sweet Caroline
Japanese Garden Shawl by Wendy Johnson, pattern purchases through end of April go to Red Cross
DramaticKnits will be auctioning his Japanese Garden Shawl, after completion, and donating the proceeds to the Red Cross
Highland Handmades, lace in Moss colorway, 1100 yds
Vesper striping, Build Me Up Buttercup
Knitting's My Bag, medium bag
Piddleloop Large Box bag
Working on Dawnsinger/Habitat Socks by Janel Laidman
Special Request, please if you can, knit Preemie Hats for Sweet Caroline project. This is a Ravelry link, a basic knit pattern is in the first post. If you are not part of Ravelry and want information, please contact me.
Thank you!
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Podcast Babbling 20110327
Finished the Namaste Mitt Kit!! The kit is from Kama Suutra Fiber Arts (Remember, the pattern is designed by GirlGoneLoopy, check out her yarns at her Etsy shop)
Immediately started the Dawnsinger/Habitat Socks by Janel Laidman
Stored in my Namaste Hip Holster (not related to the Namaste Mitt Kit). Namaste handbags are here, this is the Classic Hip Holster, down the page.
Previously finished item shown is the Isar Scarf. The yarn is Green Sheep Base from The Unique Sheep, in Coffee House Reef colorway. It was part of the first coffee-based Sip N Stitch Club.
Lost Work in Progress - Celestine Sox by Berroco in Berroco Sox
Talked about Japanese Garden Shawl by Wendy Johnson. All proceeds of pattern purchases from now through the end of April 2011 will go to Red Cross to support efforts after the tsunami in Japan. (in the podcast I said, April 1st but I verified it's through the end of April)
Mentioned e-magazine Tangled. Check it out!
DramaticKnits thank you so much for the shout out!!
Verbal typo: I said most of my missing "finished objects" were simple. I meant missing "works in progress". Which is probably obvious, I realize.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
"We're" a Podcast!
This week I'm putting quick links with no real additional info, it's just faster that way at this point in the evening
Largest Moon in 20 Years (Perigee Moon)
Vesper Yarn at Knitterly Things
Namaste Mitt Kit from Kama Suutra Fiber Arts (Pattern designed by GirlGoneLoopy, check out her yarns at her Etsy shop)
Wollmeise yarn
Tahki Yarns Tango yarn
Starving Artist pattern
Crochet Master Class book purchased from Knit Picks
Podcast Thank yous!
- DramaticKnits for the future Persephone Returns socks! (Ravelry project link)
- 90% Knitting for the mention as a recent podcast
•Minor verbal typo:
•I didn’t buy my sister’s Wollemeise a couple years ago, but rather last summer. You may not care but it bugged me when I played it back.
Also, I apologize for the sniffling. My nose has been bothering me but I didn't realize I was doing it that much until I played it back!
Also, I apologize for the sniffling. My nose has been bothering me but I didn't realize I was doing it that much until I played it back!
Saturday, March 12, 2011
The Beginning
To those new to blip.tv videos here's a couple notes:
- There is an ad at the beginning, just watch through it, if there are enough viewers, it earns a whopping 3 cents per ad or something like that. (I'm not actually thinking that will pay off but hey, I'll leave it)
- There seems to be an ad that doesn't play, so if you have the spinning thing for a long time, refresh the page, that seems to work ok.
- The little tv/monitor icon on the bottom right will make this full screen
- You can also go to http://dragonflysoars.blip.tv to view
Works in Progress (WIP)
- Socks with afterthought heel made from self-striping Vesper Yarns from Knitterly Things
- Namaste Fingerless Gloves from Kama Suutra Fiber Arts Etsy Shop
- Pergola Scarf using Knit Picks HW Gloss and Knit Picks Chroma Worsted
- Through the Looking Glass Shawl (Mystery Knit-A-Long), pattern by Janine Le Cras, knit with The Unique Sheep Tinsel Toes in Insecta colorway
Finished Knitting
Sipalu Bag from Knit Picks Palette
Finished Object
Evenstar Shawl by Susan Pandorf knit with The Unique Sheep Eos base in Pewter Earth colorway (in the recording I say it's the Eos colorway, that was incorrect, it's the Eos base yarn)
Big Footies from Keegan Lane Yarns by Meliabella, Rumplestilskin Colorway
Future Project
Dawnsinger/Habitat Scoks by Janel Laidman
I mention the Philosopher's Wool technique of catching the yarn every other stitch. They have videos of this on their site. Two-Handed Knitting Technique
Happy Stitches
Friday, March 11, 2011
DragonflySoars, prototype episode
Well we shall see if this works. I have been thinking that I never have the time or inclination to blog these days. By the time I pull out things to photograph, get decent pictures, upload them to the computer, resize them, edit them, write about them.... well it doesn't happen. But maybe I can take a few minutes and and do a quick video.
So, this is basically a "prototype"... a "let's see if we can even make this thing work" type of episode. If you even want to call it an episode.
Please ignore the weird flippy hair!
P.S. That cup leaks like crazy!! Son says it's karma, he's probably right.
So, this is basically a "prototype"... a "let's see if we can even make this thing work" type of episode. If you even want to call it an episode.
Please ignore the weird flippy hair!
P.S. That cup leaks like crazy!! Son says it's karma, he's probably right.
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