Been thinking about starting a blog since getting caught up reading others (you know who you are!) But the final straw to actually taking action is the hope of winning yarn from LotusKnits because it's gorgeous! (even if I have to ogle it from afar and give it to my sister to actually knit)

So now, my knitting story... I just started knitting in November 2006 and the first few things were little. This hat made for my son was the first long-term knitting committment I had. It's a back-n-forth pattern that is just seamed up the side. The top actually has a weird swirl effect because somehow I managed to purl when I was supposed to knit and didn't realize for a few rows. My
son, god love him, said "mom, that's really cool looking!" and the swirl stayed.

Along the way I have knitted a couple of bears for Mother Bear Project The first one was following their instructions to the letter (except for complete confusion on how to pick up stitches) and the yarn was supplied by them in a kit. The second one was when I was smarter and designed more by me. To be honest, I haven't shipped her off yet. I'm kind of attached but I will, I promise!

Also have made pillow, purse, baby blanket, scarf, slippers.... I don't want to post all of them right now, but to continue the story.... most recently were the "cheater" socks. Tube socks with no heel so I could learn how to knit in the round. They are not flourescent no matter what they look like. (and isn't the kitty cute? she loves me knitting cuz I sit still)
While knitting these I met crazy knitting lady in Borders who I adore,

and not just cuz she has sent me yarn *grin* With her encouragement and taunting (have to turn a heel to be a capital-K Sock Knitter) I am working on the blue one and hopefully when it is finished soon, I will start the second one so it's not lonely. I have however turned the heel and was rather proud of this!
I believe the next project in the queue will be a present for my sister that I don't want to post because I might actually let her see this blog :)
Another day I will post more about me but you can learn some stuff in the profile! Happy fiber crafting! - Dragonfly
Ok, having a little trouble with where the pictures line up compared to where I put them... but after 4 tries, they are as good as they are going to get!
HI! Lookie, you have a blog! With cute little bears and hats and socks! YAY!
Hey, am I late for the party? Congrats on your baby-bloglet... tons of pics! (evidently I'm the only blogger on the slow learning curve!) This whole 'Bill/Boris has his own blog to hog the computer thing is wearing thin; he's totally cute when he sets down to blog, but he's cutting into my tap-tap time.
Anyhooo, I'm so glad you made the leap into blogdom... I have to go put your link up on MY blog now. p.s. i saw one of my comments quoted on a blog today... how weird/crazy/excited does that make me? Yeah, I thought about that much, too! 'stalker'Cami
welcome to the wonderful world of blogging.
It's more like an addiction, really.
"Hi, my name is melly and I'm a blogging addict."
Aren't there worse things, really?
Happy new blog!
quickquesh: what is an ERP BPA? I mean, I've seen you, and you looked totally normal, but I look at your profile and you're an erpbeepa and I'm concerned. What do they *do* to you? It doesn't interfere with knitting, does it? 'Cuz I'll totally come kick some, er, what ever the opposing thing of an erpbeepa is... if it has a bum. I gotta get out more. Tomorrow is an early day. I'm taking everyone with me to let the phone company guy in to put in the phone/DSL lines. Hope you are fine. I hope you win some yarn, even if you can't technically knit it. Cami
I meant totally CAN KNIT and I know that... I just gave you your capital K... I meant you are *sob* allergic to wool *sob*sniffle* Cami
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