I was tagged with this meme by Cami so here goes...
4 Things I Did Today:
-Went yarn shopping at Ruhama’s and Loop
-Started a chevron scarf with two colors of Koigu (which are blending together so much that you can’t tell I’m using two different colorways)
-Spent time visiting friends who made yummie pork chop dinner
-Spent an hour all by myself at Starbucks listening to podcasts and knitting the Knotty or Knice sock with coffee.
4 Things on My To-Do List:
-Create a report for work that I’ve been putting off. (mostly because the data was sort of random, but one of my guys nicely sucked it into a database so I think I’ll be better off)
-Laundry, trash, dishes… the usual
-Buying fall/winter tops for myself that are work appropriate. I don’t have many and I’m already bored and it’s only October
-Buying a decent winter coat for the son that is now a crossing guard and will be standing in various weather.
4 of My Guiltiest Pleasures:
-“Total Drama Island” (cartoon about a reality show… .I hate real reality shows but this usually makes me grin)
-“Ben 10 Alien Force”, I like this one because son and I get up Saturday morning and sit together under blankets and eat our cereal. I figure I don’t have too much more “mom” time with him before he’s a teen.
- Young Adult Fiction. I don’t always get a lot of reading time and I have found quite a few that I like and I can get through in a reasonable amount of time.
- Hot bubble bath with a book.
4 Random Facts About Me:
- I own my own shingling hammer.
- When I’m stressed, my hair changes colors. People that know me outside of cyberspace are aware of this but I’m thinking blog readers don’t. On the plus side, my hair has done very little changing since the new job which is a good sign.
- Most of my hobbies don’t last very long, just long enough to feel like I’ve proven that I can do it. (flower arranging, pop-up card/books, quill paper) Knitting has lasted two years now! I think much of that has to do with my enjoyment of the people it has connected me to as much as the sticks and string themselves.
- Once upon a time, I had pretty low self esteem. Today people don’t usually know that, in fact, my manager told me the other day that my confidence is one of the things I’m best known for at this job and is seen as an asset.
So to tag my own....
Chelsea and