Sunday, December 14, 2008

blogging with obligation

I normally blog without obligation but I know that my friend, the hospital knitter, is going to come here tomorrow to look for a new post so I better do one!

I've added my works-in-progress to the navigation bar. Right now I'm working primarily on the holiday surprises. (specifically the one for ???? because the other one is the Maze Hat for son that I've mentioned before and I think it has some sizing issues and he has enough presents coming he won't notice if I get it done late)

My son had his holiday concert last week so he wore the sweater I made last year. As you can tell, he's quite the goofball when he wants to be. (and he really needs to start growing back some teeth!)


Suna Kendall said...

He's quite the cutie. I remember those days singing in hats all too well!!

imightbeapryl said...

lol...the good egg is adorable in his handmade sweater.