Thursday, June 18, 2009

The date is set!

As of July 7th, I will officially be a home owner. (Happy Birthday to me!!) I am totally thrilled and excited! I'm also totally bogged down trying to get some stuff packed every day and worrying about what needs to stay, what needs to go, how am I going to move it all (I finally decided on movers).

So while I am getting a little knitting done in between, I'm apologizing right now for there being limited blog posts for awhile.

Son is at my parents house for big chunks of the summer which is a huge help to me. Knowing that he is safe, cared for and having fun (instead of dealing with crazy me) is a big relief. I can't thank them enough for offering! But at the same time, I miss him and I'm glad he'll be back for a visit soon!

In the meantime, here's my other helper. (I can't figure out where the camera went so this was taken with my phone)


knittingdragonflies said...

Congratulations!! Owning your own home! Now you can start you "to do" list. Giggles
but put some knitting on it also.

Lee said...

It's a big step. Congratulations.